Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WOW!! You never know what a child will do!!

Just a funny story for all of you with children -- I'm sure you have similar mishaps very mindboggling but sort of funny. My girls were up messing around in their bedroom last night -- supposed to be sleeping. By 10:00 mom was getting pretty bugged since neither would be very happy to get up for school in the morning, but all I could do was warn, beg, and make promises (ie. no treats tomorrow if they make any more noise). They were quiet until about 10:15 Brooke screams, "Daddy! Mommy! Becca just peed on the floor!"

My thoughts were "are you serious!", "please be joking!", "probably Becca pretending just to make Brooke mad, I hope!". All were wrong!! Becca (nearly 5) had gotten out of bed, taken off her pants and panties, squatted behind the chair in their room and peed on the floor!!!

Her explanation was "I didn't want to get in trouble and I couldn't hold it." (Now, for the record, potty trips (although annoying after the second or third time) NEVER call for punishment for exactly this reason -- so why she decided last night would be different .....). So instead of having a long chat or a yell session I gave her a rag and made her clean it up and then used my trusty (and well-used) SpotBot to clean the carpet.

After all was said and done and my sweet girls were finally asleep, I laughed -- tired but still funny!! Have a great day!!

Just to see...

The first five people to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me. However there are some limitations.

1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make.
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year.
4. You have no clue what it is going to be, poetry, clothes, paper goods, or a little invention of my own. I may bake something and mail it you . Who knows? Not you that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

Here's the catch, if you choose to do this. You must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.