Monday, February 23, 2009

Scary day, but better now

I went to the study appointment and the ultrasound technician couldn't tell "for sure" if it was a boy or girl, but there was no evidence of that extra part. She said if she "had to make a guess she would bet it was a girl" but again, not certain. But a third girl is fine by me -- I already have all the stuff and I know how to handle girls :-).

The ultrasound was very fun, the baby was doing somersaults, yawning (or at least opening her mouth wide), kicking, punching and very healthy!!! So then why the scary day? Yesterday I woke up to a pretty strong contraction. Braxton Hicks, I'm sure. Then within a few minutes there was another and then another. Since my history of pre-term labor I decided to play it safe, drink lots of water and stay in bed. The contractions never got closer or more regular but they didn't stop until late in the evening -- Doesn't sound like much on paper but at the time I was terrified. The good news is that they did pretty much stop by late last night and I am up and about with minor (almost unnoticeable) tightening today. WHEW!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update 13 Weeks!!

Went to the Dr today for 13 week check. Heard the hearbeat and everything seems healthy and growing. I can certainly tell I am almost through the first trimester, the nausea is really starting to ebb -- WAHOOOO!!! Seems I have at least a couple of months of relative ease :-) I will be having an ultrasound next week for a pre-term birth study that I am participating in -- there is a small chance we will find out the gender then -- I'll keep you posted!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Discovery Gateway & Good News!!

It has been a while since I blogged last, and I had promised to blog more often. I have a really good excuse, and news, that I will share in a minute.

First, my mom took the girls to Discovery Gateway on Saturday, it was a lot of fun!!! Too bad naps were needed and Nate had to run off and work or we would have stayed longer.
Becca and Brooke doing what they enjoy the most, playing in water!!! This was showing how water comes from the clouds and makes it to your house -- then there are all kinds of things to fill and dump and splash what kid wouldn't have a great time!!!

Here is Brooke and Becca "on the farm" riding a horse. This area has a hen house that you can gather eggs and a little farm to "plant" (put veggies into bowls) and "gather" (get as many veggies as you can and put them in a truck or wagon and haul them around). My girls pretty much just wanted to ride the horse :-)

The next place they went was to the grocery store where they could shop and get what they wanted and check-out just like a real store!! (Unlike a real store, when you are done you have to put everything back)

And last, but for sure not least, the climbing wall. Becca must have been a mountain goat in another life the way she just scrambled up the wall!! Brooke climbed a bit, then got scared -- I wasn't fast enough to get a picture.
There was also a section to put balls in different tubes and turn cranks etc. and the balls would go all over -- it was really fun too, but I didn't realize I had my camera when the girls were playing there.

Ok, Ok, is your suspense peaked? I have been very sick for the last couple of months and I didn't think I could keep that out of a blog (since I really didn't do much but the necesities and try not to move) I am pregnant!!!!! 12 weeks today!!! Meaning I'm finally past the really scary time for misscarriages. So you see, for the last couple of months all I have been able to think about is being pregnant, sick, and hopping I wouldn't loose this one -- so I didn't think I would be able to blog without saying something to let the cat out of the bag.

Original due date was Aug. 3 then after a couple of ultrasounds the doctors decided I was two weeks back (thereby elongating the secret) so my current due date is Aug. 17. Based on my history I think the baby will still come sometime mid to late July. Don't know the gender yet (too early) but have seen and heard the heartbeat and everything appears to be healthy. YEA!! :-)